The Little Iceberg Storybook

23 customer reviews


Our team at connected baby is thrilled to bring you our first children’s book!

The Little Iceberg tells a metaphoric story of hope and loss, revealing the healing power of friendship and belonging. We’ve brought together a great team in author Nicky Murray and illustrator Sylvia Lynch.

The storybook comes with a Companion Guide that makes sure you don’t miss the clues as to how you can help children struggling with sadness or trauma.

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Our team at connected baby is thrilled to bring you our very first children’s book!

The Little Iceberg tells a story of hope and loss, revealing the healing power of friendship and belonging. We’ve brought together a great team with author Nicky Murray and illustrator Sylvia Lynch.

The book is accompanied by a Guide that helps adults better understand how to support children in moments of fear, distrust and anger. Every page of the story points to small actions adults can take to help children coping with trauma. The Guide elaborates on those ideas.

Dr. Karen Treisman, international trauma specialist, has this to say about the book:

“A sensitive and moving story…A wondering addition to the world of trauma and relationships.”

Keen to know even more about the story? Here’s a taster from the back cover:

“The little iceberg holds a secret. She not just cold and lonely. She’s frightened too. It is a little bird, singing songs of compassion, who helps her find a place of belonging. This is the metaphoric story of a child who is able to embark on a journey of healing because she no longer has to cope with loss and trauma on her own.”

Discounts are offered on orders of 31+ items.  If you’d like to be invoiced for a bulk order, please get in touch via our Contact Page.

You might like to read the reviews that are being published about the book.  You can find those in our Reviews Section.

You might also like to know that schools are finding very creative ways to put The Little Iceberg to use.  We are delighted to hear every story, such as this one from St Monica’s Primary School in Glasgow.  They sent this impressive and touching video to us as a Christmas gift.

UPDATE 6th August 2020

Local Headteacher’s Success With Book To Support Children’s Mental Health After COVID-19 Lockdown

connectedbaby-Melanie Stuart, who purchased the 1000th copy of The Little Iceberg

Melanie Stuart, who purchased the 1000th copy of The Little Iceberg

Local publisher, connected baby Ltd, based in Dundee, is experiencing high levels of interest in their new children’s book, The Little Iceberg, which was published during lockdown.  The book grew out of the insight of Headteacher, Nicky Murray, who wrote the story to help children with their mental health.

connectedbaby-Little Iceberg-Nicky Murray, Author

Nicky Murray, Author

Nicky says, “Hearing about the positive impact that the book has had on families who have been finding their way through upset and worry during these times has been amazing. With schools returning, and the renewed focus on wellbeing, I hope many more families and schools can use this story to help with recovery. I am overwhelmed to have reached the milestone of selling 1000 copies in only six weeks.”

The book’s unique strength is that it uses a metaphoric story to explore feelings that are often overwhelming and hard to talk about. The book is being included as part of many schools’ recovery curriculum, with the accompanying guide, Making Sense of Trauma, helping adults to recognise the signs a child is experiencing sadness or loss.

connectedbaby-Little IceBerg-Sylvia Lynch, Illustrator

Sylvia Lynch, Illustrator

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk, a developmental psychologist and founder of connected baby, explains, “Our team works hard to raise awareness of childhood trauma and the impact this has on thousands of young lives each year.  This book is another way of supporting our society in understanding and responding to difficult emotions.  Sylvia Lynch, who was the winner of our 2018 Illustrator Competition, brought the characters to life through her vivid artwork.”  Sylvia adds, “I’m so pleased that there are so many copies of The Little Iceberg now out there, helping to make a connection with children, many of whom are coping with trauma and loss.”

Copies have been shipped as far as Canada, USA and Australia, with some families already ordering Christmas presents.  Some schools are buying copies for every classroom.  In England, the NHS across Derby and Derbyshire have taken a leading regional step by sending copies to more than 400 primary schools.  A representative of their Clinical Commissioning Group says: “We took this decision because this resource, with its stunning visuals and written words, offers our staff a tool to support pupils’ wellbeing by helping them to explore emotions in a safe and controlled manner.”

Part of the profits from this book are being donated to the charity Super Ruby’s Rhabdo Raiser as part of the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, in support of local girl Ruby Stewart, who died in January 2020.

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We are delighted to share news of reviews and press coverage the book has received:

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