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Tigers and Teddies Live

Tigers & Teddies Live! Attachment Theory for Parents

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Join us for the next on-line event in our summer series Tigers & Teddies Live! It will be chaired by Gary Robinson and Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk, author of the book that sparked the series, ‘Sabre Tooth Tigers & Teddy Bears: The connected baby guide to attachment’, published earlier this spring.  This week’s topic is Attachment Theory for Parents.

We’ll meet Michelle and Kara, from Craigmillar Books for Babies, who regularly give out copies of the book Tigers & Teddies to families who use their service.  They’ll tell us why they think parents find this information so helpful and why understanding attachment makes parenting feel more joyful and less pressured.  We’ll also meet Stephanie Beckman, whose children feature in the book’s photos.  She’ll tell us how understanding attachment theory has changed her as a parent and why she thinks everyone deserves to share in this knowledge.

We look forward to welcoming many of you to this latest event in our summer series.

Cost:  FREE

Registration Link: