Join us for the next on-line event in our summer series Tigers & Teddies Live! It will be chaired by Gary Robinson, who is making a reputation with his bow ties, and by Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk, author of the book who kicked off the series. This week provides practical insights about how to keep up connection for our youngest children, as they return to professional childcare settings following months of COVID lockdown.
We will meet Pauline Scott, whose story as a nursery owner is told in the book. Pauline and her team have established a set of three nurseries in Glasgow, all of which are steeped in attachment-led practice. Lullaby Lane Nurseries place relationships, cuddles and emotional attunement at the core of their ethos. They do not intend to change any of this in the face of COVID. In this episode, we will learn why they feel so confident in this decision and how they intend to put it into practice.
The guests will also include one of the managers and one of the parents from the Lullaby Lane family. Their insights, alongside those of Pauline, will provoke lots of thought about how we can continue to create connection even in a time of distancing. The biggest insight may be the consequences that lie ahead for our children if we grown-ups fail to stay focused on this emotional responsibility to our children.
Cost: FREE
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