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tigers & teddies live

Tigers & Teddies Live! Creating a connected community during COVID

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Tigers and Teddies LiveTigers & Teddies Live is back with our second series!  These conversations grew out of our new book ‘Sabre Tooth Tigers and Teddy Bears’, written by developmental psychologist Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk.  She’ll be with us, knitting together insights across all our topics.  And chair Gary Robinson will be back too, showing off his latest bow ties.

In this episode, we’ll hear from some of the hundreds of knitters across Scotland who have been creating teddies to give to children in times of trouble.  We’ll ask what motivates them to such kindness and ask how hard the stitches are to learn!  We’ll be speaking to the team at The Haven.  They will treat us to stories about the children (and grown-ups!) who have been helped by being given a new teddy to cuddle.  Suzanne may even be persuaded to bring along the amazing look-alike figure that one of the knitters fashioned especially for her.  It promises to be morning full of thought-provoking stories about the power of teddy bears to comfort fear.

Cost:  FREE

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