Rethinking Communication guide to advanced dementia
At first these claims might appear to be a bit extreme. A baby won’t feel fully human just because someone doesn’t engage with their babbling? If we really think about it, our instinct tells us this is a reasonable statement. Moreover, scientific investigations have gathered data to support such a claim. 5 Human babies are born constantly striving to enter into the world of human interaction. Their brains are driven to figure out how to engage; they have a deeply held motivation to share. The baby, of course, needs help and participation from more skilled communicators to achieve these capacities. That’s us. Every time we engage with babies, we help them towards their potential. We encourage them to build on what they already know about the world, and to grow and learn. 5 D Stern (2010) Forms of Vitality: Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development Oxford University Press
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